
Sunday, July 24, 2011

Cumbria Broadband Champions Map

I've produced a overlay map of Cumbria marking out all the parishes and which have a known Broadband Champion based on information found on Cumbria Broadband, looks sparse doesn't it, I'm sure there are more but look on the web it's not obvious who there are.  So this is where you guys come in to help fill in the blanks so we see a sea of green instead of the current red.

A walk-though on how to provide to details is available at the bottom of this post.

I've created a Google Spreadsheet where at minimum the name of the Broadband champion should be added against the relevant parish, also details like social network links can be added, these are optional but would be good to be added so as to extend the community and add ways on communicating on this subjects between those interested.  The spreadsheet can be updated by anyone, I will periodically pull the data from the spreadsheet to update the map, I'm also happy to input names myself if that's easier for some, a link to the various ways of contacting me is on the spreadsheet.

The current version of the map is shown below, link to larger interactive version is shown below which has options to embed in websites, this map can be reused by anyone supporting Cumbria Community Broadband, I'll post updates on this blog and on the spreadsheet, free free to let me know what your think of the map.

Walk-through on how to fill in the spreadsheet with details 


  1. Hi Dave, tried all your links, can't find a way to edit and add details. I know loads of champions who are missing off your map. It won't let me edit the map, and I can only find the original spreadsheet, ie not the one you can put data in. Is it me being stupid?

  2. I can see one anonymous user is currently looking at the Matterdale entry in which they's added a weblink

    The spreadsheet is set to public and editable by anyone, the ReadMe sheet can't be edited but the Broadband Champions Sheet should be editable

  3. Chris - Edit the spreadsheet, the map can't be edited, I regenerate the map based on what on the spreadsheet

    Fit-To-Print has just been in an added some details

  4. She is much smarter than me then. had another go and it shows the edit tab but all the options are greyed out... dummies guide? I can see the readme sheet, where is the BCS sheet link?

  5. At the bottom of the spreadsheet you should see two tabs, I've flicked them around so they should read as:-

    Tab1 = Broadband Champions
    Tab2 = Read Me - Instructions

    I'm hoping now when someone opens the spreadsheet that Tab1 is the first people see - then they can click between them

  6. found a way in, the walk through wouldn't play. and added mine and Davids names to the spreadsheet. Will get his permission to put his contact details in or get him to do it himself.

  7. Hi Dave, I've updated Burton-in-Kendal CP. We have 2 champions, me for everyone and another for businesses. I'll drop him a line and see if I can get him to become involved too. Cheers! Anne

  8. Hi Dave
    I've added mine for Haverthwaite

  9. Thanks Anne / Mike, I've managed to figure out how to update the map without losing the link to the map.

  10. Great start, first day on the spreadsheet and we have 19 Broadband Champion entries, 265 entries to go

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. Dear Jimmyjam, that comment was spam. Most people in Cumbria are on market 1 exchanges so there is no way you can deliver what you promise.

  13. Thanks Chris, comment deleted, was paying attention to the bogus link

  14. Thanks Dave, it makes me so mad when people promise what they can't deliver and confuse so many people. My aged relatives especially have been very upset when people keep informing them they can get a 20 meg connection when they can't as they live too far from exchanges that can only deliver 'upto' 8 meg at the best of times if you live next door. The cold callers are the worst. Get ready for a new spate of them, as £millions of BDUK money are going into 'raising awareness'. Just like project access.
