
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Election - Top Local Candidate for online presence

A light hearted look at which of our 4 local candidates for Westmorland and Lonsdale is making the most in the online media world.  The 4 candidates have been rated on their use in the following areas based on intended use, frequency and interactivaty with the local public

Personal Website

4 - In fourth place is UKIP John Mander for simply not having an online presense (or a least one I can find)

3 - Third place goes to Conservative Gareth McKeever, he had the potental to get up to number 1 with his new look website which links to his blog, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube pages but it all came crashing down for failing on content. Losing points for having no updates to his site for a last month, having an empty blog and youtube page, gaps in updating twitter (last update 4 days ago), having a naff twitter name.  He gained some points for having a Facebook page and a couple hundred followers but again he doesn't post to the page, so has lost points for lack of public interactivity through these sites.  Also points are lost as all his sites relate to his campaign giving rise that they will be abandoned once the election is over.


2 - Second place goes to Labour Jonathan Todd, he has a website with regular blog updates, links in to some his YouTube broadcasts. He uses Twitter although he loses some points for using it retweet stories and not so much on what he's upto on his local campaign other than to 
link to his blog post, he gets brownies points for replying to other Twitters questions.  He has two facebook pages (personal / campaign) that he posts to with a thousand followers across the two pages.

Facebook - (personal)
YouTube linked in his blog posts

1 - Number one spot goes to Liberal Democrat Tim Farron, he's lost points on the blogging and youtube side which he doesn't have but is well ahead of the competition in his personal use of Facebook and Twitter which he's been using on a regular basis with what he's upto since the backend of last year and also regularly replies to questions from locals.  On Facebook he's hit the limit of five thousand followers on his personal page and has had to setup a fan page to allow other locals to be in contact with him through this avenue which is a good indication that he'll continue using Facebook / Twitter once the election is over - if he's re-elected ;)

Facebook - (fan page)

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